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Customizing Request

Now that you have made your first request, let's check out some of the options that are available. for more detailed information about the options check out the endpoints section of this documentation. When just a host is provided, the following defaults are used.

"host": "",
"port": 25565,
"type": "java",
"legacy": false

You can of course change these settings.

  • type can be "java" or "bedrock".
  • If no port is provided, the default for the selected type is chosen. (25565 for Java or 19132 for Bedrock servers.)
  • The port can be provided seperately, or after the host, indicated by : (For example:
  • legacy can be set to true of false, a legacy server is a server that is older than version 1.7.2. (For example, Tekkit servers)

Next step

You are now ready to start working with the API. If you need detailed information on the endpoints check out the endpoints section of this documentation.

If you have any questions you can post a discussion on RapidAPI or send me a message on RapidAPI.